Memory Tracks
How it Works

How Memory Tracks works

Linking Activities To Music

We know that music can have a powerfully calming effect on us all. Using Memory Tracks reduces the levels of anxiety and agitation associated with personal care tasks, and also assists recall and care compliance.

Selecting the Best Songs

When we are young our brains are like sponges, absorbing all around us. Based on this understanding we use the best-known songs from the ages 3-12 to set up a person’s Memory Tracks.

Simple and Easy to Use

Using music at the point-of-care is simple and intuitive.
The clean Memory Tracks tile-based menu is rapid and
easy to use when needed, particularly during
personal care.

Caring for Caregivers

The positive impact of music at the point-of-care is not just for those being helped and supported. Carers have reported improved relationships, easier care, and less stress when using Memory Tracks.

Sing Along

The Memory Tracks app features 60 of your favourite songs to sing along to, complete with lyrics. Singing can be a powerful boost to mental health and wellbeing


The Memory Tracks Radio plays the songs from our database of hits from 1928 to 1963, randomly one after the other. Great background music for care; soothing, memorable and bound to lift the mood


We have pre-set a number of activities in the APP for you to choose from, including:



Nurse Visit



Bed Time


Wash Hands

Brush Hair

Doctor Visit

Hot Drink

Take Medicine

Bed Turn


Drink Water


Settling In

Brush Teeth

Eat Dinner

Eat Lunch

Take Blood


Get Up


Create a New Activity Tile

Customise the icon and choose your music track.

Take the picture you want

Choose your song